What Is Pandemic Preparedness Planning?

Pandemic preparedness planning is a crucial part of ongoing continuity planning and risk management. It increases an organization’s ability to respond quickly and effectively to internal and external threats, like those caused by an infectious disease outbreak.

Challenging times have always plagued human history. Infectious outbreaks – such as smallpox, influenza, and cholera – have periodically caused national and international crisis for as long as we can look back. Coronavirus (COVID-19) is the most recent outbreak affecting businesses on a worldwide scale.

Though it can seem like a far-off threat, infectious diseases, like the coronavirus, are considered a serious enterprise risk. Pandemics have a wide-reaching impact on a population’s health and local and global economies and affect all aspects of enterprise. Measures taken to prevent the spread of a contagion include restricting travel, limiting contact with others, and encouraging workers to stay home. What does this mean for organizations affected by a pandemic?


Targeted Business Continuity Solutions

Through careful preparation and planning, organizations can mitigate the impact of pandemics and ensure the resilience of their operations.

Pandemic preparedness planning enhances your company’s ability to respond rapidly and effectively to internal and external threats associated with infectious disease outbreaks. By having a coordinated plan in place, disruption to operations are limited and the business is better able to maintain continuity. Additionally, pandemic preparedness planning enables organizations to protect the health and well-being of their employees and stakeholders.


Proactive Business Consulting

Preparation and planning are the best disaster prevention and risk management tools that organizations have at their disposition. When it comes to pandemics, continuity plans should include:

  • Appointing a pandemic preparedness coordinator or team,
  • Telecommuting or remote working capabilities and policies,
  • Delegated resources and staff,
  • Emergency communications plan,
  • Plans for handling quarantines, border closures, and travel bans,
  • Programmed awareness and training,
  • Implemented testing of the plan.


Take the Anxiety out of Disaster Preparedness

Contact our offices to learn more about business pandemic preparedness planning services.

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